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Coho is the salmon that will make every angler happy when they are running up river.

Coho are one of the most agressive salmon towards a fly! They are not easy to catch, but a well presented fly is the trick to hook one of these acrobatic fish. When the coho are running in big numbers you will have one of the most fun day’s fishing with a fly.


Oncorhynchus Kisutch

Coho/Silver Salmon are another great game fish that have been overlooked by many anglers in pursuit of steelhead. Catching these Skeena bullets is a real blast, which only those in the know enjoy. As they arrive at the lower reaches of the Skeena River, Cohos are very agressive towards a fly because they are still in predatory mode coming out of the salt. When you cast you will very often see a giant wake coming behind your fly as the coho is chasing the fly all the way into the shallows.

These are definitely one of the most exciting and fun fish to fish for on the fly. They start entering the Lower Skeena in August, and will run into late October. We also have Northern Coho, which is bigger than the regular Coho. The Northern Coho can get up to thirty pounds. Nowhere else in the world will you find genetics like this.

Fly fishing for Coho is a lot of fun. If you are looking to swing a fly in a pristine environment and have a lot of fun catching agressive Coho on the fly, we will bring you to the best spot on the Skeena and secret rivers if they are fishable.

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